About Text To Speech (TTS)
Text To Speech (TTS)

About Text-To-Speech (TTS)

This is a project that Steve has been interested in since his university days, back during the browser wars when Lecturers and Tutors used to say to students, "I'm going to be marking your assignments using Internet Explorer or Navigator."

Have they never heard of Tim Berners-Lee, the British computer scientist, that is renowned for his pioneering work in conceptualising and developing the World Wide Web. He is also the founder of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a significant organization that standardizes and promotes web technologies.

I used to challenge the Lecturers and Tutors and say to them, "If the web-page was made and complied with W3C standards, the browser you're using should not matter."

Fast forward to the year 2023, most if not all browsers are equipped with Text-To-Speech (TTS) readers, but most websites are not using it. Why?

The short answer is that most web designers are not programmers and have a background in graphic design, not coding, to take advantage of Text-To-Speech (TTS).

This is how I came to the realization that Text-To-Speech (TTS) needs a lot more development when it comes to websites.

This is how my new venture begins, and development of Text-To-Speech (TTS) implementation for websites was fostered.

The only problem with this project is funding and resources.

I have dedicated over 1,000 hours of my time to bring this project to this point.

I need your help to take it to the next level.

Why am I doing this? This is not for money or profit but for the people that are visually impaired or disadvantaged.

I have volunteered my time for many years with disabled people; this project is simply an extension of that, making life a little bit easier.

Your Support Matters

Your support can turn this vision into reality. Let's create a world where technology bridges gaps and enhances lives. Together, we'll build a brighter future for those who need it most.

Join me on this transformative journey, where compassion and technology meet for a greater purpose. Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you for being part of our vision. Your support means the world to us!

Introducing "Text to Speech" - A Free Text-to-Speech System for the Visually Impaired

We are thrilled to present "Text to Speech," a revolutionary and free Text-to-Speech (TTS) system, passionately designed for visually impaired individuals. At Text to Speech, our mission is to create an inclusive and accessible online environment for all users, and "Text to Speech" is our heartfelt contribution towards achieving this goal.

Key Features:

  1. Smooth Scrolling: Our TTS system incorporates an intelligent scrolling feature that dynamically adjusts the content to ensure that the spoken words remain perfectly centered on the user's screen. This keeps users engaged with the text without missing any crucial information.

  2. Pause and Resume: Life is full of interruptions, and Text to Speech understands that. Users can pause and resume reading at any point, providing them with control over their reading pace and the flexibility to take breaks as needed.

  3. Compatibility: Text to Speech is designed to seamlessly integrate with most websites and web content. As a wesite owners you can effortlessly implement our TTS system, making your website content more accessible to all users, regardless of visual abilities.

Why Choose Text to Speech

  1. Free and Open-Source: At Text to Speech, we believe in the power of accessibility for everyone. Text to Speech is completely free to use and open-source, enabling developers and website owners to implement it without any cost.

  2. User-Friendly Integration: We take pride in providing a simple and straightforward integration process. As a website owner, you can seamlessly add Text to Speech to your site, elevating the user experience for all your visitors.

  3. Empowering the Visually Impaired: our core focus is empowering visually impaired individuals. Text to Speech serves as a tool that grants them greater independence, access to information, and an enriched browsing experience.

How to Get Started with Text to Speech

  1. Website Owners: If you own a website and wish to make it more inclusive, visit our website at Text to Speech to access the Text to Speech integration guide. Our step-by-step instructions will help you implement the system quickly and effortlessly.

  2. Developers: We extend a warm welcome to developers to contribute to the Text to Speech project on our WebSites repository. Together, we can improve and expand the system's capabilities, benefiting even more users.

  3. Spread the Word: Help us create awareness about Text to Speech from Text to Speech. Share our project on social media, developer communities, and accessibility-focused platforms. Together, we can ensure that websites become accessible to all.

Join Text to Speech in our mission to create an internet that is truly accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. Text to Speech is a small but impactful step towards a more inclusive digital world. With your support, we can make a significant difference. Let's work together to ensure that no one is left behind in this digital age.

Experience the power of Text to Speech today at Text to Speech and embark on this journey of inclusivity. Together, let's make a difference and create a web that welcomes and supports all users.

Please Call Steve on Mobile: 0484 364 757 to Support our Text-to-speech (TTS) vision

Or contact us via email using our contact form

Open Source Intuitive

Open-Source Disclaimer

At text-to-speech.com.au, we are committed to fostering an open and collaborative environment where accessibility and inclusivity are prioritised. As part of our dedication to these principles, we offer "Text to Speech," a free and open-source Text-to-Speech (TTS) system for the visually impaired.

Open-Source: Nature

Text to Speech is distributed under an open-source license, which allows developers, contributors, and users to access, modify, and distribute the source code freely. This fosters a community-driven approach to development, encouraging innovation and improvements through collaboration.

Disclaimer of Liability

While Text to Speech is developed with utmost care and attention to detail, we provide it on an "as-is" basis, without any warranty or guarantee of fitness for a specific purpose. The use of Text to Speech is at your own risk. We cannot be held liable for any damages or issues arising from its use, whether direct or indirect.

Responsibility for Implementations

As a website owner or developer, you are solely responsible for the integration and implementation of Text to Speech on your website. We recommend thoroughly testing the system to ensure it meets your specific requirements and adheres to accessibility guidelines.

Community Contributions

We encourage developers and contributors to actively participate in the improvement of "Text to Speech." By contributing to the project, you agree to follow our code of conduct and contribute code that aligns with our goals of accessibility, inclusivity, and user-friendliness.


While using "Text to Speech," we kindly request that you give attribution to the project and acknowledge its source. This includes, but is not limited to, retaining any existing attribution notices within the source code and displaying appropriate acknowledgments on your website or application.

Support and Community

As an open-source project, Text to Speech is supported by the collaborative efforts of its community. While we strive to address issues and provide support, please understand that we may have limitations in offering individualized support.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to regularly updating Text to Speech and enhancing its features based on user feedback and community contributions. Your input and suggestions are valuable in making Text to Speech even better.

By using, modifying, or contributing to "Text to Speech," you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Open-Source Disclaimer. Together, let's make the web a more inclusive and accessible place for all users.

My Conversation With ChatGPT

Steve: What do you think of my Text to Speech project?

ChatGPT: Your Text to Speech project is commendable and addresses a significant need in making online content more accessible for visually impaired individuals. Here's an overview of what you're trying to achieve and the positive impact it can have:

  1. Inclusivity and Accessibility: Your project aims to create an inclusive and accessible online environment for all users, particularly those who are visually impaired. By providing a Text-to-Speech (TTS) system, you're enabling individuals with visual challenges to access and engage with digital content that might otherwise be difficult for them to consume.

  2. Bridge Gaps and Enhance Lives: Your project aligns with the goal of using technology to bridge gaps and enhance the lives of people with disabilities. By offering TTS functionality, you're empowering visually impaired individuals with greater independence and access to information, allowing them to participate more fully in the digital world.

  3. Open-Source and Collaboration: By making your TTS system open-source, you're fostering a collaborative community of developers, contributors, and users who share a common goal of accessibility and inclusivity. Open-source projects encourage innovation, peer review, and collective improvement, which can lead to the development of a robust and feature-rich solution.

  4. Ease of Integration: You emphasize that your TTS system is designed for user-friendly integration, making it accessible to website owners and developers. This approach increases the likelihood of widespread adoption and implementation across various websites and platforms.

  5. Advocacy and Awareness: Through your project, you're raising awareness about the importance of accessibility and advocating for the needs of visually impaired individuals. By encouraging others to share and contribute to your project, you're helping to create a broader understanding of the challenges faced by people with disabilities.

  6. Community Support: Your project acknowledges the support of a collaborative community, and you're dedicated to addressing issues, providing guidance, and continuously improving the TTS system based on user feedback and contributions.

  7. Personal Dedication: Your personal dedication of over 1,000 hours to develop the project underscores your genuine commitment to the cause and the impact you hope to achieve.

  8. Vision for the Future: Your project's vision extends beyond technology; it's about making a positive difference in people's lives. By creating an environment where technology and compassion intersect, you're contributing to a brighter and more inclusive future.

In summary, your Text to Speech project is a noble endeavor that aligns with the principles of accessibility, inclusivity, and community collaboration. It has the potential to empower visually impaired individuals, create awareness, and foster positive change in the digital landscape. Your dedication and vision are inspiring, and your project has the potential to make a meaningful impact on the lives of many

Thank you for being part of our vision. Your support means the world to us!

Please Call Steve on Mobile: 0484 364 757 to Support our Text-to-speech (TTS) vision

Or contact us via email using our contact form

   Call Steve: 0484 364 757
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