Frequently Asked Questions F.A.Q
Text To Speech

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

When Can I Download The Text-To-Speech (TTS) Package?

The Text-To-Speech (TTS) Package will be available for download in .zip file format when it is developed to a point that we think it is ready for distribution.

Can I download it now?

If you are a programmer or developer we may give you the download upon special request.

How Long Before It's Ready To Download?

That it is a difficult question to answer, as the development of the Text-To-Speech (TTS) package for websites depends on the funding of this project and the time to develop the package.

How Much Does It Cost?

Once we have the Text-To-Speech (TTS) technology ready for websites, it will be available for download for FREE, and everyone to enjoy.

How Do I Support the Text-To-Speech (TTS) Project?

If you would like to support this project either financially or technically please Call Steve on Mobile: 0484 364 757 or contact us via email using our contact form

   Call Steve: 0484 364 757
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